Directors of the territorial center of retraining and improvement of professional skill of employees of national education at the higher educational institutions have been appointed.

According to the Decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 26, 2017, No. 3289 "On Measures to Improve the System of Training Teachers, Retraining the People Education Officers and Raising Their Qualifications," the institutions for retraining and improving the skills of employees of the public education of the Republic of Karakapakstan, oblasts and the city of Tashkent were transferred Territorial centers for retraining and improvement of skills were organized in higher educational institutions on the proper territory and on their basis personnel of public education.

In order to effectively develop the activities of these territorial centers, the candidates for the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education were reconsidered and the following candidates were recommended for the post of directors of the territorial center for retraining and raising the level of professional skill of employees of the public education at the Tashkent State Pedagogical University Ismatov Ibrokhim Shahriyrovich, on retraining and improvement of professional skill of employees of national education and Chirchik State Pedagogical University of Tashkent region Yalgashev Burkhon Fayzullaevich, Director of Territorial Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of People Education Officers at the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute Rakhikulov Fakhriddin Rasulovich, Director of the Territorial Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of People's Education Officers at the Urgench State University Saidov Yuldash Razzakovich, director of the territorial center for perepodg Daminov Mirzohid Islomovich, director of the territorial center for retraining and professional development of public education employees at the Namangan State University Talipov Bahriddin Alizhanovich, director of the territorial center for retraining and raising the level of professional skills of the public education employees at the Fergana State University, Atajanov Mamirjon Yusupovich, director of territorial center for retraining and advanced training of public education employees at the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute Azymam A. Holmurodov, director of the territorial center for retraining and professional development of employees of public education at the Karshi State University Mallaev Amin Saifulloevich, director of the territorial center for retraining and improving the skills of public education employees Gulistan State University of Tours of Shaho iddin Muhitdinovich.

Source: Information service
